The Journey Back to Wholeness...
Trauma Does Not Need to Be 
A Life Sentence!

Learn how to heal your trauma without talking about it or spending years in therapy...

So you can feel at peace with the past and deal with whatever life throws at you no matter what!!

The Hope Project is the game-changing trauma healing program and community that has started a wave of inspiration around the globe.    

IF YOU have a dream of being free from the shackles of your labels, diagnosis and trauma triggers and symtoms...

WE have the training, support and sisterhood community to make it happen - a lot quicker and easier than you ever imagined.    


Learn how to heal your trauma without talking about it or spending years in therapy...

Welcome sister,

I've put this website together to inform you fully about how my online healing trauma program works...

Let me first assure you that this is likely an experience unlike others you have come across so far.  

And let me further assure you that with our approach, you won't ever have to talk about your trauma or relive the experiences of your past ever again!

Because the way we heal here is different. 

We teach natural and somatic-based approaches that are practical, proven and trauma-informed methods of healing trauma without the need for years of therapy or relying on medication.

And I am a survivor too, so I get it.

You do not deserve to be told you’re broken…

or that there is no cure…

or that your only hope is to use pills or to find more coping tools…

or that you’re stuck with these labels for the rest of your life!

You deserve to know that you CAN heal.

You deserve to have hope that it is possible to heal.

And so I am here to hold your hand every step of the way and to advocate for you... for a better system, for a better way. 

To show you it IS possible to dramatically reduce or even completley eliminate your trauma symptoms.

I believe that trauma does NOT need to be a life sentence...

Because we now know that trauma is stored in the body, so no amount of talk therapy or counselling is going to process that for us.

My mission is to pass on all the tools, lessons and wisdom I have gained from my own healing and education and to share how it IS possible to heal.

It's taken me a long time to find all these tools and I do not want anybody else to suffer for as long as I did. 

So I'm teaching this course now because I know that this can change people's lives and it's time to end the cycle of trauma!
So please keep reading below to get all the details and please do also take the time to watch the few video's here from some of our ladies who have healed their past trauma experiences and found peace with their past ...
What's Inside The Hope Project Online Healing Program?

Step by Step and Proven
Online Healing System

Step by step, proven methods, resources and video tutorials to guide you on how to heal gently without needing to share your story, talking about it or reliving the past experiences.

Simplification is the key.

I deliver short actionable healing videos broken down into bite size pieces.

**Perfect for that busy lady who loves a time hack! ** 

Sneak Peak Inside the Online Healing Program! 

Rather than try to explain what you get inside this beautiful program, why don't I just show you! Watch this short 8min video to see the entire course in action ...

Ready to Heal Your Trauma Wounds The Gentle Way?
Apply to Join Our Sisterhood...

Weekly Live Healing Sessions with Magida and her team of healers*

(Available for Premium & upward program options Only) Click here to view joining options...

Each week you will experience our powerful live healing and support session via Zoom.  

All calls are also recorded if you are unable to attend.

On these calls you are able to get the direct support you need from Magida, her team of healers and your other sisters - we are all here to support you and answer any questions that are coming up.

Watch this video for a sneak peak of the weekly healing session ... 

Ready to Heal Your Trauma Wounds The Gentle Way?
Apply to Join Our Sisterhood...

Accountability and Supportive Sisters with 24/7 Support via Live Messenger Chat!

This is not an impersonal Facebook group of a 1000+ people vying for attention and answers.

We are a small tight-knit community of women (maximum 12 ladies at a time) that help and support each other to be the best versions of ourselves to create the success and life others only dream of!

Share your journey and get answers to your questions in our private community of like-minded sisters. 

PLUS regular accountability check-ins to keep you inspired and excited to continue your momentum of healing.  

Ready to Heal Your Trauma Wounds The Gentle Way?
Apply to Join Our Sisterhood...

Hear from some of the ladies who have worked with us: 

As little as 2 hours per week can be more than enough to notice some great improvements...

- Full Course Program Outline - 

The Hope Project - Helping You Heal the Gentle Way...

Module 0: Weekly Healing Sessions
Each week you will recieve a live healing with me and your fellow sisters. Just jump onto our zoom call each week and we will be there to guide and support you as best we can. 

Module 1:  Manifesting Your Dream Life
In this module you will begin with setting out the most important Healing Goals you would like to acheive for yourself during our time together. I call this my "Magic Manifesting on Steroids" process! it is the better way to set goals & get what you actually want and truly deserve. 

Module 2: Taking Back Your Power & Freedom
**Our most popular module**
This module reveals one of my most powerful techniques for being able to move away from feeling like a victim and to start living life from a place of empowerment, choice and freedom. If ALL you do is this one module it has HUGE capacity to really change your life quite quickly.  

Module 3: Understanding Your Triggers & How to Move Forward
Now it's time to get clear on what you feel may be holding you back in your healing and gain some clarity on the common traumatic responses you might be facing. I then share my 'Talk to the hand' NLP process for navigating difficult emotions. 

Module 4: Finding Your Happy
All the ladies who come to us often say "I just want to be happy again..." So welcome to this module where you will discover a beautiful framework that I have created to "Turn on your Happiness button" and how to access your happiness easier and faster moving forward. 

Module 5: Creating What You Want With Minimal Effort
In here is where the 'blinkers' really start to come off and you will be able to more clearly see some of the roadblocks that may be holding you back in life and how to shift your mindset so you can become a powerful creator. 
Module 6: Giving yourself the LOVE you have always deserved
This is a POWERFUL module where you will gain understanding and awareness of the 'love state' you experienced as a child and then we will seek to reset and rewire your mind towards a more resouceful love state for you to take with you in your life moving forward. 

Module 7, 8 & 9: Effective Communication
We spend the next 3 modules working on effective communition - because that's how important I have found it to be for our healing! You will learn the incredible NLP 'Meta Model' framework for communicating effectively which can be very good for removing ambiguty and frustration. 

Then you will learn my 'Conscious Communication' framework that seeks to assit you with reducing conflict and improving vulnerability when communicating with loved ones. 

Module 10: Dealing with Triggers the Gentle Way  
In this module you will expereince my "Trigger Freedom" hpynosis and NLP process that has proven to be very effective in establishing a new relationship with past traumatic events such that it causes the body to no longer feel a heightened emotional response anymore. 

Module 11: Moving On & Towards The Life You Desire
Now we celebrate the freedom and new life you have just created for yourself and we set new goals for the next few years for you AND share my 'Transformation & Healing Framework' that brings all the pieces together so that you will feel better equipped with the tools to help you in life's ups and downs.

Module 12: Literally every single tool I've used and love the most that has that helped me along my healing journey.

This module includes bonus lessons on Breathwork, Energy Healing, Havening, EFT tapping, NLP, Hypnotherapy and much much more.

Simply choose the healing tools you LOVE the most and use them whenever you need! 

BONUS! Also included in your online portal is recording of all my meditations AND the lessons from our guest experts over the past 12 months.

Ready to Heal Your Trauma Wounds The Gentle Way?
Apply to Join Our Sisterhood...


Hello, I'm Magida Ezzat—an advocate for natural, somatic-based healing methods that don’t require years of therapy of reliance on medication.

My ultimate passion is to help break the cycle of transgenerational trauma and fix our broken medical and mental health systems.

But this journey isn't just about healing - it's about holding space in a very gentle way and guiding you back to your own wholeness, self acceptance and ultimately self love.

With a foundation in several somatic modalities, I've developed a powerful toolkit grounded in evidence-based and trauma-informed methods to deliver a nurturing environment where your healing journey can flourish.

In terms of my specific qualifications - I've delved deeply into the world of NLP, hypnotherapy, trauma-informed breathwork and embraced all forms of somatic healing.
Beyond these, I've also nurtured my innate talents in energy and intuitive healing practices. It's this entire symphony of knowledge that I bring into every healing space I am a part of.

I offer those who join us a gentle and nonjudgmental space where you can be seen, held and supported as you navigate your chosen healing path.

Becasue you deserve to heal. And I will advocate for you. For a better system. For a better way!

I hope you will join us sister. 
Magida xx

Hear from the Ladies Themselves...

Kelly's experience of dealing with her lifelong feelings of anxiety and childhood trauma...

Jade's experience of feeling like she had no hope of healing...

Felisha shares her experience after completing the 'Trigger Freedom' method...

Ready to Heal Your Trauma Wounds The Gentle Way?
Apply to Join Our Sisterhood...

Our Happy Healing Clients...

When Kelly came to me she said she's had anxiety, flashbacks and nightmares for as long as she can remember.

After 5 weeks in the program she sent me these messages... 

Ready to Heal Your Trauma Wounds The Gentle Way?
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Sue came to be barely able to mention anything about her past, feeling lost, confused and complately lacking in confidence.

After just 1 month in the program she sent me these messages...

Ready to Heal Your Trauma Wounds The Gentle Way?
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After just 3 WEEKS in the program Leah sent me this message... 

Ready to Heal Your Trauma Wounds The Gentle Way?
Apply to Join Our Sisterhood...

More love and joy from our clients...


Choose the plan that's right for you below and join our sisterhood today
Please take note of our Terms and Conditions

Self Paced Healing

Go at your own pace | Lifetime access to all Modules and Updates

Go at your own pace, take your time, from the comfort of your own home, lifetime access to the program and all updates


  • Lifetime access to full course content including ongoing updates
  • ​12 Self paced healing, education and learning modules
  • ​Accessible across devices via computer, tablet or mobile phone
  • ​Sisterhood support group chat to ask questions if needed
  • Easy 3 x Payment plan to get insant access today

3 x Monthly Payments


or save $100 with one upfront payment of $950

Excellerated Healing

6 Months of Weekly Healing Calls, Support and Accountability | Lifetime access to All Modules and Updates

Lifetime access to the program PLUS 6 Months of Invaluable Weekly Live Healing Sessions with Magida and her team of healers, Sisterhood Support and Accountability


  • Lifetime access to full course content including ongoing updates
  • ​12 Self paced healing, education and learning modules
  • ​Accessible across devices via computer, tablet or mobile phone
  • ​Sisterhood support group chat to ask questions if needed
  • ​​Intimate healing container - limited to 12 ladies at a time
  • Easy payment plan option to get insant access today
  •  PLUS 6 Months of Live Healing & Additional Support...
  • ​24 x Weekly Live Healing & Sisterhood Support Calls
    (held every Wednesday at 12noon AEDT - calls are recorded)
  • ​24/7 Live chat support (via Facebook Messenger)
  • ​Regular accountability and check-ins to keep you on track 
  • ​20% Discount on all Events & Retreats

6 x Monthly Payments of...


or Save $200 with one upfront payment of $2,500

Self-Paced Experience

Go at your own pace, take your time, do it all from the peace of your own home, lifetime access to the program


  • Lifetime access to full course content including ongoing updates
  • ​12 Self paced healing modules
  • ​Accessible across devices via computer, tablet or mobile phone
  • ​Sisterhood support group chat to ask questions if needed
  • Easy 3 x Payment plan to get insant access today

3 x monthly payments of $333 or $1,000 upfront

 Premium 4 Month Immersion Experience

Lifetime access to the program PLUS 4 Months of Sisterhood Support, Weekly Live Healing Sessions with Magida and her team of healers


  • Lifetime access to full course content including ongoing updates
  • ​12 Self paced healing modules
  • ​Accessible across devices via computer, tablet or mobile phone
  • ​Sisterhood support group chat to ask questions if needed
  • ​Intimate healing container - limited to 12 ladies at a time
  • Easy payment plan option to get insant access today
  •  PLUS 4 Months of Live Healing & Additional Support...
  • ​16 x Weekly Live Healing & Sisterhood Support Calls 
  • ​24/7 Live chat support (via Facebook Messenger)
  • ​1 X Private Healing Session (worth $600)
  • 20% Discount on all Events & Retreats
  • ​By application - available to 12 ladies at a time

Limited to 12 Ladies
~ 3 Spots Currently Available ~

Investment - $4,000

*10 week payment plan or finance avilable to approved applicants - 20% depoist required to secure your spot

The Works 6 Month Immersion Experience

Lifetime access to the program PLUS 6 Months of Sisterhood Support, Weekly Live Healing Sessions with Magida and her team of healers


  • Lifetime access to full course content including ongoing updates
  • ​12 Self paced healing modules
  • ​Accessible across devices via computer, tablet or mobile phone
  • ​Sisterhood support group chat to ask questions if needed
  • ​​Intimate healing container - limited to 12 ladies at a time
  • Easy payment plan option to get insant access today
  •  PLUS 6 Months of Live Healing & Additional Support...
  • ​24 x Weekly Live Healing & Sisterhood Support Calls 
  • ​24/7 Live chat support (via Facebook Messenger)
  • ​2 X Private Healing Sessions with Magida (worth $1800)
  • 20% Discount on all Events & Retreats
  • ​By application - available to 12 ladies at a time

Limited to 12 Ladies
~ 3 Spots Currently Available ~

Investment - $5,000

*10 week payment plan or finance avilable to approved applicants - 20% depoist required to secure your spot

Ready to Heal Your Trauma Wounds The Gentle Way?
Apply to Join Our Sisterhood...

Personal Note From Ella & Scott

A lot of people have preconceived notions about what coaching or training is, so I want to tell you about an experience that I had recently at the traffic and conversions summit in San Diego.

I sat in a room for three days with a selection of enormously skilled marketers. I learned a lot about marketing. I love the subject of marketing and I think it's fascinating. 

At the same time, I have a love-hate relationship with the “guru” business, the self-help field, and all that stuff. There are so many individuals that just dump massive amounts of information on people and make all kinds of promises like “we're gonna help more people, build a more successful business, make more money, have more free time” and all kinds of enticing offers that people (myself included) find valuable and worth pursuing. 

What I realised sitting in this event was although a lot of these companies can make an enormous amount of money selling things to people - they're not really coaching people. What they're doing is dumping more information on people and calling it "coaching. 

One of the things that I focus on is bringing simplicity to the complex world of online marketing. 

You don't need to have 200 tools in your toolbox working all at the same time in order to achieve great results. 
All you need to do is have a few tools in your toolbox and an understanding of how to use them well. 

What we don't want is for you to join our training and then have a bunch of stuff dumped on you so you become overwhelmed.  

The last thing that any successful person in business needs is overwhelm.  

We live in a day and age where there's more data thrown at us electronically than we could ever assimilate. So what's critically important to me and to my members is that we eliminate the overwhelm and focus on the key things that will insure steady growth of your business. 

I love this quote from Anthony Greenbank:

“To live through an impossible situation, you don't need the reflexes of a Grand Prix driver, the muscles of a Hercules, the mind of an Einstein. You simply need to know what to do.”

All you need to know right now is to know what to do.

I will provide a step-by-step system and framework that has worked to multiply the bottom line of numerous businesses that I have worked with and that will work for you as well. 

There's nothing that makes me happier than having my clients achieve massive results and transformation as a result of working with my team.  

I look forward to connecting on our call. 

To your success, 


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