Welcome Sister! Here is the Hope You Have Been Seeking...
Because Our Past Experiences, Parental and Societal indoctrinations DO NOT Need To Keep Us Stuck Anymore!

The Attuned Woman Membership Program

Accelerated leadership and personal growth for strong, influential women who are ready to rise above and claim their sovereign power! 

> without becoming too masculine
> without spending years in therapy
> without letting people down!

Welcome to The Attuned Woman Sisterhood Community 
When you join us as a woman who is choosing and ready to do the work, you make this commitment to your community, to your family and to yourself…

We, the pillars of our community.
We, the role models for our children.
We, the keepers of flow and presence. 
We, the custodians of Mother Earth. 
We are the entrusted. 

We stand behind our men (yes I said behind!), supporting them and nurturing them as they stand in front keeping us safe and protected. 

And together we claim our sovereign power!

What's Included In The Membership

Over $10,000 in Real Value

  • 1 x Retreat per year (RRP $4,500)*
  • Lifetime access to my Online Programs (RRP $5,000) 
  •  Group coaching, mindset and healing sessions + live workshops + recordings (RRP $2,000)
  • 27/7 Sisterhood Community, Support via Live Chat, Accountability Partner and framework
  • Member discounts on events and retreats 
  • Private sessions with Magida and our team (RRP $1,000)*

*items only available in level 2 and 3 membership packages

Benefits of Becoming A Member

  • Priority first access booking on all new retreat dates
  • Regular group coaching sessions and live workshops with our team of experts and guest speakers
  • 24/7 Live Messenger Chat, sisterhood support and accountability partner so you always stay on track and feel held and supported 
  • Lifetime access to the Online Healing and Personal Growth Programs with hundreds of lessons, downloadable healings, clearnings and meditations plus ongoing lifetime updates
  • 50% discount on all my half day and breathwork events
  • Exclusive member discounts on live events and workshops or new programs I release with priority booking for members   
  • $500 Discount on 7 Day NLP Leadership Retreat in Noosa

Client Results and Testimonials

Upcoming Member Retreats

> August 26th - 30th 2024 - Energetic NLP Training, Noosa North Shore
($500 discount to this retreat is included in your membership)

> September 6-9th 2024  - 4 Day Retreat, Noosa North Shore

> November 8-11th 2024 - 4 Day Retreat, Noosa North Shore 

2025 dates to be announced soon!

About Your Guide - Magida Ezzat

Hello, I'm Magida Ezzat—an advocate for women to break away from generational programming and societal indoctrinations.

My ultimate passion is to help women break the toxic patterns passed down from our ancestors, from society and the unrealistic expectations that are holding us back!

But this journey isn't just about ending the patterns - it's about holding space in a very gentle way and guiding you back to your own wholeness, self acceptance and ultimately self sovereignty in your feminine birthright as a woman.

With strong background corporate, business and several mindset and healing modalities, I've developed a powerful toolkit grounded in evidence-based and trauma-informed methods to deliver a nurturing environment where your growth and healing journey can truly flourish.

In terms of my specific qualifications - I've delved deeply into the world of NLP, hypnotherapy, trauma-informed breathwork and embraced all forms of somatic and embodied healing plus a 15 year corporate career in business, entrepreneurship and marketing (M. Marketing, B. Business Info Systems).

Beyond this, I have been more recently honing my innate talents in energy and intuitive practices.

It is this entire symphony of knowledge that I bring into every space I am a part of.

I offer those who join us a gentle and welcoming space where you can be seen, held and supported as you navigate your chosen path.

Because you deserve to flourish. And I will advocate for you. For a better system. For a better way!

I hope you will join us sister. Magida xx

Membership Options

Choose from three levels of membership options to suit your budget below...

Level 1

Basic Membership

  • $500 discount on all retreats and priority booking access
  • Monthly Group Healing & Coaching Call
  • ​Lifetime Access to the Online Healing Program 
  • ​Live Workshops with Guest Speakers
  • ​24/7 Live Chat Sisterhood Support

Total $3,500 worth of value
You Save $1,000!

Only $200 per month for 12 months

Level 2

Standard Membership

  • 1 X Luxury Retreat and priority booking access per year
  • ​Weekly Group Healing & Coaching Call
  • Lifetime Access to the Online Healing Program 
  • ​Live Workshops with Guest Speakers
  • ​24/7 Live Chat Sisterhood Support
  • ​Accountability buddy and framework

Total $9,000 worth of value
You Save $2,400!

Only $550 per month for 12 months

Level 3

Premium Membership

  • 1 X Luxury Retreat and priority booking access per year
  • ​Weekly Group Healing & Coaching Call
  • Lifetime Access to the Online Healing Program 
  • ​Live Workshops with Guest Speakers
  • ​24/7 Live Chat Sisterhood Support
  • ​Accountability buddy and framework
  • ​1 x VIP Retreat Package Upgrade 
  • ​4 Private Coaching Sessions

Total $11,000 worth of value
You Save $3,200!

Only $650 per month for 12 months

More Client Results and Testimonials...

10th - 31st may
Not convinced yet? Send us a message or call us on 0458771073.
Booking policy: Bookings will only be held on receipt of payment. Secure your place for just $199  by clicking the 'Book Online Now' link to pay via secure credit card or call 0458771073 for to arrange direct deposit or cheque payment. 

Early Bird Special: book before 15th April to bring a friend for half price and you both save!
Amara Retreat endeavours to facilitate knowledge for a sustainable future by inspiring human beings to re-ignite their love for life and nature.
 Sandra Ramacher, caretaker and guardian of this piece of paradise
WHEN: 10th – 31st MAY
Stage 1 | PREPARE | May 10th – 16th
In the first week we begin with the basics required to get started and ease into the cleanse the knowledge and tools to successfully cleanse for you and your lifestyle. You will begin to rest while we start to naturally cleanse and nourish your body and mind through holistic Ayurvedic rituals of self-care and dietary upgrades with whole foods that gently prepare for your deeper cleanse work in stage 2.

Stage 2 | PURIFY | May 17th – 23rd
Lainie guides you through the different ways you can cleanse for your dosha and lifestyle. There is no one size fits all approach to the cleanse, teaching you the ins-and-outs of an Ayurvedic style cleanse to nourish, purify your body, mind and spirit.
Stage 3 | REJUVENATE | May 24th – 31st
After your purification week, focus on rebuilding a healthy diet and lifestyle to nourish you post-cleanse, integrating all the tools you’ve learned to transition into the new season with a deeper sense of clarity and balance in your seasonal wellbeing.
- Frequently Asked Questions -
Q: How long do I need to wait before I can book in a retreat?
You can become a member today and go on retreat as early as next month!
Q: What is the difference between the Healing Retreat and the NLP Retreat?
The Healing retreats are our most commonly hosted retreats and focus on a deep healing and transformation experience. They are ideal for those who have experienced trauma as well as for anyone looking for a deep healing experience. All our retreats are trauma-informed and designed to be gentle and easeful for the nervous system. 

The NLP retreat is a longer, 7 day experience, ideal for those who want to dive into their mindset, psyche and understand human behaviour and communication at a deep level. Our NLP retreats are great for women in leadership positions - business owners, executives, teachers, frontline managers and anyone wanting to seriously improve themselves in all aspects of life. The NLP retreats are not included in this membership however we do offer a $500 discount. These are also invite only - to learn more and apply please check the brochure click here. 
Q: What room type is included in the membership?
All memberships are twin share rooms. This allows for a beautiful sisterhood bonding experience - the power of the sisterhood support is a huge part of the retreat experience and our ladies absolutely love it! This also allows up to help more ladies at each retreat. 
Q: What else is included in each retreat?
Inclusions and bonuses can vary by retreat. All retreats generally include 4 to 5-star accommodation, food & non-alcoholic beverage package, local cultural experiences, and coaching/healing workshops. For the full list of inclusions and bonuses for your redeemed retreat, visit the individual retreat page.
Q: How do I redeem and book in my annual retreat?
You can redeem your 1 x retreat per year by completing the "Retreat Redemption Form" included in your Welcome Email. If you have not recieved this email please contact us and ask us to resend it. 
Q: Can I attend additional retreats beyond what's included in my membership?
Yes, level 2 and 3 memberships include 1 retreat per year. If you would like to attend additional retreats, you can simply purchase them at the PIF prices listed on the retreat website. Additional retreats are subject to PIF prices.  
Q: What happens if I redeem a retreat and then need to cancel?
You can cancel a redeemed retreat more than 91 days in advance of the retreat. You will then have the ability to transfer your retreat redemption and any/all upgrade fees to another retreat within the twelve (12) month membership term. Cancellations made within 90 days of a redeemed retreat cannot be transferred, and any/all retreat redemptions and upgrade fees will be forfeited. In this case it is recommended to use your insurance to claim back on any lost funds. 

Results You can expect when you join our sisterhood...

Terms of Membership | All rights reserved. Copyright 2024 | Magida Ezzat. www.magidae.com
What is an Ayurvedic-inspired cleanse?
A simple Ayurvedic cleanse aims to balance agni. Agni, means fire, and in this case directly refers to our metabolic fire, the strength of our ability to digest what we take in. This includes our diet, of course, but also our experiences in life. A simple way to improve agni is to cleanse eating lightly for short periods of time. This cleanse uses principles of Ayurveda to help you get back in touch with your body, teaching you the fundamental tools for boosting digestion, creating a healing plant-based diet, and holistic body care techniques to keep the body, mind and spirit balanced through the winter. In this three-week cleanse, you’ll learn the in-depth knowledge on holistic nutrition and seasonal wellness through a weekend retreat and face to face workshops that guide you through a whole food plant-based cleanse. You’ll also learn simple yoga practices to balance the body and boost digestion, meditation tools to take with you even beyond your cleanse. By the end of this 3-part cleanse, you’ll leave feeling clean, clear and strong as you kick off the new season.
What is a kitchari and how does it work?
Kitchari is an ancient healing combination of mung beans, rice and spices. Eaten at times when the immune system is compromised or for special seasonal cleansing purposes, you can think of kitchari as the Ayurvedic (and vegetarian!) equivalent to chicken noodle soup. Nourishing for mind, body and soul, kitchari kicks up the metabolism and immune system. This simple one pot meal is easy to make and to digest, allowing the body to use less energy on digestive functions, and more on clearing and metabolizing ama (toxins) from the body. The combination of rice and mung beans makes a complete protein, meaning you will get enough nutrients to sustain a restful daily routine from this dish alone. The spices like ginger, turmeric, coriander, cumin and fennel, are anti-inflammatory and cleanse the blood, burn up toxins and improve agni. It is also alkaline for the body, assisting in lowering acidity of the blood and creating overall balance in our bodies.
Do I need a juicer or any special kitchen tools?
This is a whole food-based program, so no juicer or fancy kitchen equipment is required for this cleanse. Although Lainie will share with you some of her favourite Juice and smoothie recipes for the days you would like to go lighter. The only tools you’ll need are your favourite knife, a few cooking pots, an oven/stovetop, and an open mind! While on retreat you will learn how to make all recipes for the cleanse in both a Thermomix and conventional method to complete your cleanse experience.
Not convinced yet? Send us a message or call us on 0458771073.
Booking policy: Bookings will only be held on receipt of payment. Secure your place for just $199  by clicking the 'Book Online Now' link to pay via secure credit card or call 0458771073 for to arrange direct deposit or cheque payment. 

Early Bird Special: book before 15th April to bring a friend for half price and you both save!